Control and numerical analysis of complex systems
Control and numerical analysis of complex systems Project Nº: 57703041 Affiliated Entities: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU, Germany), Federal Fluminense University (UFF, ...

Control of multi-particle systems, mean-field limits, and applications to deep learning
Control of multi-particle systems, mean-field limits, and applications to deep learning (Steuerung von Mehrteilchensystemen, Mean-Field Limits und Anwendungen für Deep ...

CIN-PDE: Control, inversion and numerics for Partial Differential Equations
Control, inversion and numerics for Partial Differential Equations (CIN-PDE) Project Nº: M-0548 Affiliated Entities: Fudan University (FDU, Shanghai), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg ...

DTN ModConFlex. Modelling and control of flexible structures interacting with fluids
DTN ModConFlex. Modelling and control of flexible structures interacting with fluids Affiliated Entities: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Tel ...

Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems with Degeneration on Networks
Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems with Degeneration on Networks DFG WA5144/1-1: Modellierung, Analysis und Steuerung degenerierter nichtlinearer hyperbolischer ...

BaCaTeC. Data-Based Optimization in Real Time for Dynamic Systems
BaCaTeC. Data-Based Optimization in Real Time for Dynamic Systems Enrique Zuazua, Miroslav Krstic Supported by HighTech Research between Bavaria and ...