FAU MoD Lecture by Prof. Rupert Klein @Sep 20, 2024

FAU MoD Lecture: Thoughts on Machine Learning

Date: Fri. September 20, 2024 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, the Research Center for Mathematics of Data ...

CIME summer school on PDEs, Control and Deep Learning

This summer, Prof. Enrique Zuazua (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) joint with Prof. Giuseppe M. Coclite (Politecnico di Bari) are organizing the "PDEs, ...

CIN-PDE 2024 Workshop on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs

Next October, the Fudan University is hosting the 2nd. edition of the Workshop on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs ...

Trends in Mathematical Sciences #TrendsInMaths

From June 10 - 14, 2024, our FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data at FAU, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg is ...

FAU MoD Lecture: Promoting Gender Equity in Mathematics: Strategies and Solutions

Date: Mon. June 3, 2024 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Event type: On-site / Online Organized by: FAU MoD, the Research ...

FAU MoD Lecture: Using system knowledge for improved sample efficiency in data-driven modeling and control of complex technical systems

Date: Wed. May 15, 2024 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Event type: On-site / Online Organized by: FAU MoD, the Research ...

Measuring productivity and fixedness in lexico-syntactic constructions

On April 3, 2024 our FAU MoD member, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Evert gave a colloquium talk on "Measuring productivity and ...

FAU MoD Lecture: Image Reconstruction – The Dialectic of Modelling and Learning

Date: Wed. March 20, 2024 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Event type: On-site / online Organized by: FAU MoD, the FAU ...

FAU MoD Lecture: The role of Artificial Intelligence in the future of mathematics

Date: Thu. January 11, 2024 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, the FAU Research Center for Mathematics of ...

FAU MoD Lecture Series. Special November 2023

Date: Wed. November 22, 2023 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Series (Special double session. November 2023) Event type: On-site / online ...

FAU MoD Lecture: Free boundary regularity for the obstacle problem

Date: Wed. October 11, 2023 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data at ...

CIN-PDE 2023 Erlangen-Shanghai

Date: Tue. August 1 - Fri. August 4, 2023 Event: CIN-PDE 2023 Erlangen-Shanghai. Workshop on Control, Inversion and Numerics for ...

FAU MoD Lecture: Physics-Based and Data-Driven-Based Algorithms for the Simulation of the Heart Function

Date: Thu. July 6, 2023 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data at ...

FAU MoD Lecture: From Physics-Informed Machine Learning to Physics-Informed Machine Intelligence: Quo Vadimus?

Date: Tue. May 30, 2023 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data at ...

Control and optimization in the age of data

Last Tuesday May 2, 2023, we had delighted to share a round table at FAU MoD with 25 colleagues from ...

Hydrogen: Need for action and opportunities

Last Wed. April 26, 2023, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hornegger, President of FAU and Prof. Dr. Veronica Grimm, member at FAU MoD opened the ...

WiDS FAU: Data-Driven Optimization under Uncertainty with Engineering Applications

Last Friday April 21, 2023 our FAU MoD member, Prof. Dr. Frauke Liers will talk as keynote speaker on Data-Driven ...

FAU MoD Lecture: From Alan Turing to contact geometry: Towards a “Fluid computer”

Date: Wed. April 19, 2023 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data at ...

Measuring Keyness by S. Evert

Last February 28th, 2023 our FAU MoD member, Prof. Dr. Stephanie Evert gave a keynote lecture on "Measuring Keyness" at ...

Computational Science at Extreme Scale by U. Ruede

On February 17th, 2023 our FAU MoD member, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Rüde gave a talk on "Computational Science at Extreme ...

FAU MoD Lecture: Applications of AAA Rational Approximation

Date: Wed. February 1, 2023 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data at ...

FAU MoD Lecture: Learning-Based Optimization and PDE Control in User-Assignable Finite Time

Date: Mon. September 19, 2022 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Series Organized by: FAU MoD, Research Center for Mathematics of Data ...

Approximating the 1D wave equation using Physics Informed Neural Networks, PINNs (Sep. 2022)

Approximating the 1D wave equation using Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) By Dania Sana PhD Student at FAU MoD - ...

Andrea Bréard and Kristian Franze: Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

On May 12th, 2022 our FAU MoD members Prof. Dr. Dr. Andrea Brèard and Prof. Dr. Kristian Franze has been ...

Silvia Budday: Academics Young Talent 2022

We are delighted to share our FAU MoD member, Dr. Ing. Silvia Budday has been awarded this year the academic ...

EELISA – European University at FAU

Under the motto "United in Diversity", EELISA, the "European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance" is an association of nine ...

Deep Learning with MATLAB

At FAU MoD Research Center for Mathematics of Data at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, we were glad to have the free (online) ...

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FAU MoD Lecture by Prof. Rupert Klein @Sep 20, 2024

FAU MoD Lecture: Thoughts on Machine Learning

Date: Fri. September 20, 2024 Event: FAU MoD Lecture Organized by: FAU MoD, the Research Center for Mathematics of Data ...

CIME summer school on PDEs, Control and Deep Learning

This summer, Prof. Enrique Zuazua (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) joint with Prof. Giuseppe M. Coclite (Politecnico di Bari) are organizing the "PDEs, ...

CIN-PDE 2024 Workshop on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs

Next October, the Fudan University is hosting the 2nd. edition of the Workshop on Control, Inversion and Numerics for PDEs ...