Last Tuesday May 2, 2023, we had delighted to share a round table at FAU MoD with 25 colleagues from all over Germany to discuss and explore new joint initiatives on the vibrant topic “Control and Optimization in the age of Data” at the Senatssaal im Kollegienhaus, Erlangen.
Our President Professor Hornegger was kind enough to open the session with a speech on the past, present and future of FAU and his own scientific vision on the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Biomedical Engineering, a field in which FAU and the Erlangen-Nürenberg area is a world leader.
Dr. Kiefer as Manager of the Mathematics Program at DFG introduces the main priority programs and plans of the funding agency.
Prof. Schiela presented a preliminary draft of the scientific report prepared by the attendees and some other other German colleagues.
Applied Mathematics experiences a profound transformation in this Age of Data and this group of fellows, organized around the coordination of Prof. Schiela, aims to contribute to draw some of the priority directions for future research and higher education in the board fields of Optimization and Control.
The FAU MoD Research Center for Mathematics of Data, was delighted to organize the meeting and welcome this inspiring group of researchers to this fruitful and pleasent workshop. Our thanks go to Ms Darlis Bracho Tudares who took care of a perfect planning and organization.
• Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hornegger, President of FAU.
• Prof. Dr. Enrique Zuazua, FAU MoD / FAU DCN-AvH.
• Dr. Frank Kiefer, DFG Schwerpunktprogramme (SPP).
See Slides
• Prof. Dr. Anton Schiela, Universität Bayreuth. Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Mathematik.
See Slides
* Photos: FAU MoD
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